Embedded Reports - FAQs

Can I add additional fields to the reports?

We only support the embedded reports within the Bud platform. If there are any fields or metrics you feel would be beneficial to the embedded reports, please contact your CSM to raise a feature request.

If you wish to build your own reports via the datawarehouse, please visit the support articles here to get set up. To make this process easier, we have a supermodel PowerBI file that will give you all the relationships to build the reports you wish, please contact your CSM or support to request this file if needed.

Can we publish our own reports in Bud?

This functionality is not currently in scope for the Bud Reports in the platform however our suggested platform of PowerBI for bespoke in-house reports has tiers allowing you to publish reports across your business.

How often are the reports refreshed? 

Bud's Data Warehouse is refreshed every 2 hours from 6am to 10pm GMT and takes approximately 30 minutes with embedded reporting refreshes following shortly after. A schedule for refreshes can be found below detailing changes from GMT to BST.

At weekends the refresh runs less frequently - 8am, 12pm, 4pm GMT on Saturday and Sunday. We also run a full load at 6pm on Saturday night which takes approximately 5 hours to complete.

Please note: that at weekends whilst the Data Warehouse refreshes, the embedded reports do not. The embedded reports will update in the first refresh of Monday morning.

* Some embedded reports utilise ILR data as opposed to learning plan data. These reports, listed below, refresh on a nightly cycle as opposed to the 2 hourly cycle listed above. Data in these reports and ILR data warehouse tables show a snapshot of the ILR from 11pm the previous evening.

  • Accountability Framework
  • Benchmarking
  • Finance Reports
  • ILR Reconciliation