Bud’s Standard Reports pack offers comprehensive data tables, charts, and visualizations to help training providers manage operations effectively. These reports assist in tracking applications, compliance, and learner progress. Key features include drill-through details, field pickers, filtering, and data export options. Users can navigate through various sections such as Applications, In-Flight Learners, End Point Assessment, and Compliance, ensuring a detailed and organized approach to data management.
User Role
- All users with a reporter - Standard Reports permission switched on
How to: Use Standard Reports
Where a metric has an arrow present, this indicates that you can drill through to a page giving more details.
Where you see this icon, you are able to right click on the data table and drill-through to relevant or related information.
On each page navigation is displayed at the top, depending on which page you are on you can either go back to the main dashboard or the section dashboard.
The section at the bottom of the page allows you to navigate to pages within the report suite. The left hand side will allow you to navigate between reporting sections and the right hand side will allow you to navigate between reports in the section you are currently in.
Field Pickers and Filtering
Where there is a field picker, you can choose which field is used in the x-axis of the corresponding graph – Employer, Programme or Trainer
Where the graph has a legend, you can click on the legend values to highlight those on the graph and filter the table. Clicking a segment of the donut will have the same effect.
Exporting data:
If you want to export data from a table, hovering over the table will reveal a 3-dots menu in the top right hand corner. Clicking on the 3 dots will give you the option to export data.
Navigating the reports
To aid navigation, reports have been split into six main sections which can be navigated via the main landing page of the Standard Reports
Below you will find details of each section and the reports found within:
Note: Learners whose status is Break Return Requested are included in the reports looking at In Progress learners as they have access to their learning plan. But they will not have their Planned End Date updated until their return is processed, so where this field is displayed, it will change.
Also be aware that DWH calculations such as Percent Through Programme depend on the planned end date and time spent on break calculations, which will only update when the return is processed. Therefore, dependent calculations and reports such as Activity Progress, OTJH Progress and Skills Scan Progression are likely to be incorrect for these learners until their return is processed. The Date Returned to Learning will also not be set until the return is processed, affecting reports such as Active Learning, Progress Reviews and Learning Support Reviews.
1. Applications
This section contains information around the application and on-boarding processes within Bud.
Current Applications
This is a tabular report that shows detailed information about all applications currently in the on-boarding process. It shows key information around learners' applications and can assist in planning, overdue and compliance checking.
Historic Applications
This report can be accesses within the current applications page and shows detail on all historic applications. It mirrors the applicant report CSV that is available from the 'Applicants' area of Bud (details here) along with some additional useful fields. This report contains Apprentice and OST learners.
Applications with missing signatures
This report will provide a summary of each application that is awaiting signatures, you will be able to see how long the signature has been waiting and which signatures are missing. The report includes original applications and any that have been edited.
The BKSB Report shows details of a learner’s initial assessment(s) with BKSB. All assessments are now shown for all learners in the application status' to monitor completion of these and progress onboarding.
2. In-Flight Learners and Breaks
Track key details about learners in-flight and those on a break in learning as well as the processes that surround them.
In-Flight Learners
The purpose of this report is to show status and progression (among other key metrics) and to identify actions or conduct an analysis of learning for all learners currently live on their programme. The report gives a summary of the key metrics from other areas of the standard reports.
Monthly Starts
The monthly starts report shows data for all learners starting this calendar month and their current ILR Status.
OTJH Progress
The OTJH Progress reports shows learners progress through their Off the Job Hours, classifying them as Ahead, On Track or Behind in each category.
Off the Job Hours Progress Delta is defined as:
Percentage of OTJH completed - Percentage of time through their programme
On a scale of -100 to +100, learners are banded as follows:
Over zero = Ahead
Between -10 and 0 = On Track
-10 or below = Behind
Activity Progress
The Activity Progress reports shows learners progress through their Activities, classifying them as Ahead, On Track or Behind in each category.
The underlying measure Activity Progress Delta is defined as:
Percentage of set (non-exempt) activities completed - Percentage of time through their programme
On a scale of -100 to +100, learners are banded as follows:
Over zero = Ahead
Between -10 and 0 = On Track
-10 or below = Behind
Learning Support
To provide visibility of learning support being delivered against current in-flight learners.
To identify any concerns the learner has in relation to their welfare.
The report will pull in any progress review for a learner where one of the 3 standard safeguarding questions has been answered with their respective negative.
Note that the answers will only appear in the respective columns where your training provider has used Bud’s standard questions in the safeguarding section of the progress review. No attempt has been made to map custom questions to the standard, as the semantics may differ significantly.
Altered Activities
Altered Activities is simply a tabular report that identifies activities that have been added to a learning plan or set as exempt at some point during learning.
Functional skills
This report provides details of learners with functional skills, this has been split into maths and English, with the following being provided for each aim:
- The aim start and end date
- Status of the aim: Complete or Outstanding
- Percentage through learning. Where the learner is 100% complete but the aim is outstanding, the aim has not been confirmed by your IQA.
Component progress
This is a tabular report that shows a learner’s progress through their component Aims, with the Aim start and end dates mapped in from the ILR.
Exempted aims
The Exempted Aims report is another tabular report that shows details of any aims from which your learners have been exempted.
Reg & Cert
This is a tabular report that shows details of a learner’s Registrations and Certifications.
Breaks in learning
Two charts are shown on the Breaks in Learning report. Overdue Breaks in Learning shows how many learners, that have gone past their expected date of return.
For all learners currently on a break, Length of Break shows how long they have been on a break, in months.
To provide visibility and allow tracking of learners who are on breaks and when they are due to return. The data table on this report can help identify learners who may have left a programme whilst on a break or those that may be due to return.
Returns from breaks
To aid the break returns process within Bud. This report details all learners who have returned from their break in learning. This will assist with any in-house administrative or learning processes you as a training provider may have when returning a learner from a break. It will also allow you to delve into return times and return rates should you wish.
Break requests and approvals
This tabular report will allow you to monitor learners currently travelling through the "putting a learner on a break" process and as such may need review, approval or processing.
Learning Delivery - Break in Learning & Withdrawals Process
3. End Point Assessment
Track learners' upcoming readiness for EPA, those currently in EPA and the grades learners who have completed EPA have obtained. This section also allows you to delve into elements of EPAs and retakes of EPAs logged in the system.
EPA Readiness
EPA Readiness will allow you to see how learners are progressing as they come towards the end of their practical period. You can filter the reports to look at learners that are:
- Less than three months to end of practical period
- One month to end of practical period
- Passed the end of practical period
- Three months passed end of practical period
The table provides an overview of the learner's standard score, learning hours, functional skills and RAG status.
Learners In EPA
Learners in End Point Assessment will give you a view of which of your learners are currently at a status of "In EPA". If you don't have any learners in EPA, the page will be blank.
EPA Grades
Monitor grades and time frames for specific learners who have completed their apprenticeship or view trends in high level passes by accessing data for you EPA Grades.
EPA Retakes
View a table that details learners who have had an EPA Retake that have been logged on the system via a "Return to learning" as well as those that are currently returned to learning through their EPA process.
Meetings & Assessments
View details of any element recorded against a learner in the "Meetings & Assessments" area of End Point assessment in Bud. This looks at all learners in the system but can be filtered to look at only current if needed.
4. Compliance
View reports that will help monitor ESFA funding rules and compliance against individual learners as well as supporting data which would accompany these metrics
Tripartite Progress Reviews
This report is limited to Apprenticeships and is focussed on 3-monthly tripartite reviews. It doesn't include reviews solely between the learner and trainer and only looks at progress reviews. It is also limited to learning plans which are in progress.
When calculating the date of the last completed tripartite review, we take the most recent date of these three:
- the last completed (i.e. all signed) tripartite review
- the learning plan start date
- the last return from break date
More information around this Progress Reviews section can be found here: Reports: Progress Reviews
Reviews with missing signatures
The table will show any reviews that are awaiting signatures, split by learner, trainer and employer. Where the employer is not part of the review a "-" will be displayed to show that no signature is required Ideally, this table will be empty.
More information around this Progress Reviews section can be found here: Reports: Progress Reviews
All Reviews
This report can be accessed by drilling through from the Progress Review report. It is keyed off the ULN. To access the report please right click on the ULN and select drill through.
Alternatively a full list of data can be accessed from the compliance home page.
The report details a summary by learner and then details on all reviews associated with that learning plan
More information around this Progress Reviews section can be found here: Reports: Progress Reviews
Skills Scan Progression
This report shows you a breakdown of average skills scan scores throughout a learners programme.
- Use the graph on the left to determine average attainment of scores by learners at specific points in their programme
- Use the graph on the right to monitor the overall skills scan trajectory throughout a programme
- Use the data table to monitor individual learner scores
This report can provide many different insights from a broad high level view of your entire caseload, right down to monitoring a specific learner journey dependant on the slicers used.
Active Learning
The report shows a summary of last active learning to ensure there has been delivery in the required time period based on the delivery model as per the ESFA funding rules. For a given learner you can drill through to their OTJH Log or submissions to see all the detail.
Note: When calculating the date of the last active learning in order to group, we take the most recent date of these five:
- the last submission made against an activity by the Learner
- the last approved off the Job Hours from the log
- last English or Maths in OTJH Log - where submitted OTJH was rejected as "English and/or maths"
- the learning plan start date
- the last return from break date
More information around the Active Learning Measure can be found here: Reports: Active Learning
This report allows you to view all Off the job hours associated with a leaner across multiple activities. It can be viewed as a standalone report or accessed with a drill through from Active learning to assist in the compliance of that funding rule.
The report includes
- Hours added at submission
- Individual logs: the table includes logs that are pending, approved or rejected.
All Submissions Log
This report allows you to view all submissions made against an activity for a leaner. It can be viewed as a standalone report or accessed with a drill through from Active learning to assist in the compliance of that funding rule.
The report includes
- Learner Summary of all submissions including number of submissions awaiting change or marking
- Activity Submissions: details of all individual submissions made against activities
This a tabular report that shows details of your Internal Quality Assessor sampling.
Overdue Payments
Overdue Payments is a tabular report detailing expected payments which have become overdue. This report can only be accessed from the footer of the compliance section.
Scheduled Payments
The Scheduled Payments report is in a tabular format and details upcoming expected payments. This report can only be accessed from the footer of the compliance section.
Completed Payments
The Completed Payments report is in a tabular format and details all completed payments. This report can only be accessed from the footer of the compliance section.
Ofsted Reporting
This report has been created to provide you with all the information you may need to prepare for an upcoming ofsted report. It is based on the guidance provided in the following document: Inspecting further education and skills: guide for providers
5. Leavers
See detailed data around all of your completions and withdrawals within the platform
All Withdrawals
The report will provide an overview of learners who have withdrawn.
The filters along the top will allow you to review withdrawals during a specific time frame. We have added a "Zero day leavers" filter so that you can see learners who have withdrawn within the first 42 days.
Withdrawal requests and approvals
This tabular report will allow you to monitor learners currently travelling through the withdraw a learner process and as such may need review, approval or processing.
Learning Delivery - Break in Learning & Withdrawals Process
All Completions
The report will provide an overview of learners who have completed.
Simple Achievement Rates
The report provides a basic calculation of completions / leavers giving you a sense of your achievement rates. This report is not designed to replicate your Provider QAR and is only an indicative view based on live data in Bud. For a more detailed QAR calculation, please take a look at our full QAR reporting suite available here.
6. Administration
Support back-end administrative functions with the reports and extracts available here. From user and programme management to bulk upload functions
Programme Management
This report has been designed to give users an overview of all programmes within bud. It can be used to monitor programmes being built as well as those published and quantity of learners currently associated. Within the report there is a summary of key dates and overview of activities within the build.
The report can be drilled through to see the detail of the activities within the build.
Programme Management – Activities
This report allows you to view all activities associated with programme. It can be viewed as a standalone report or accessed with a drill through from programme management. Detail around OTJH, third party content and which activities can be found from the Activity Library are displayed here.
Content Insights
This report provides detailed insights into feedback provided by learners on activities per the Content Insights feature, allowing you to effectively monitor learner satisfaction and review their comments. Harness the power of this tool to enhance your programme management and ensure high-quality learning experiences.
The report offers an overall positive rating percentage as well as detail on how many ratings have been submitted in the last 30 days and can be filtered using the various slicers to drill into these values. The main content of the page displays positive and negative feedback ratings by each activity and a data table displaying the feedback and comments from each learner.
Please note that the "Rate your Content" feature must be enabled to access this data.
Gathering Learner Insights for Activity Content
Bulk Update Templates
These reports have been specially formatted to allows users to export data from our standard reports as a CSV, add additional information, then re-upload to Bud. This allows bulk population of each area as opposed to keying in each element. The reports available are listed below with a link to our guide on how to perform bulk uploads for each area.
User Roles
See an overview of all your users on the platform, their permissions and when they were last logged in.
User Roles by last login
A more tabular broken down view of the user roles report seeing when each user role was last logged in.
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