As part of our reporting suite, progress review reports help training providers track the progress of learners through regular reviews. This includes tripartite progress reviews every three months and learner support reviews for those with additional learning support (ALS). The reports highlight overdue reviews, missing signatures, and upcoming reviews, ensuring compliance and timely interventions.
Progress Reviews
This report is limited to Apprenticeships and is focussed on the required tripartite reviews every 3 calendar months. It doesn't include reviews solely between the learner and trainer. It is also limited to learning plans which are in progress.
When calculating the date of the last tripartite review, we take the most recent date of these three:
- the last finished (i.e. awaiting signatures or completed) tripartite progress review
- the learning plan start date
- the last return from break date
The cards at the top show the following counts:
Reviews awaiting signatures. This is the one measure that includes non-tripartite reviews. It is a count of reviews with a status of Awaiting Signatures. If you click this card, you are taken to the separate Missing Signatures report which shows all reviews awaiting signatures and which signatures are missing.
Note: If you're using the default filters, the counts on this page may not add up to the sum of the counts on the missing signatures report, because the default filters are different on each report.
Signed tripartite reviews within 3 calendar months. This is a simple count of all Completed reviews from the last 3 calendar months.
Learners with overdue tripartite reviews. This is a count of learning plans where a tripartite progress review was scheduled (in the past) but hasn't been started; plus, the count of learning plans where the next tripartite progress review is more than 3 calendar months since the last one.
Learners who do not have their next review scheduled. This is a count of learning plans which do not have a tripartite progress review scheduled for a future date. (Regardless of whether this is within the 3 month window).
The column and donut charts
Each learning plan is allocated one of three statuses. Counts of these are shown in the graphs.
No Cause for Concern Where the next review is scheduled within 3 calendar months of the last review and there are no reviews awaiting signatures.
Outstanding Signatures Where the next review is scheduled within 3 calendar months of the last review and there is at least one review awaiting signatures.
Attention Required Any learning plan that does not meet either of the above criteria.
Data Table
This has the following fields:
- Learner
- Trainer
- Employer
- Programme
- Start Date
- Date Returned from Break
- Last Review Date
- Last Review Status
- Last Review Employer Rep
- Next Review Date
- Next Review Employer Rep
Learning Support Reviews
This is very similar to the Progress Review report, but is instead focussed on learners with a current ALS plan and the review type Learner Support. Again it is checking that reviews are happening every 3 calendar months.
When calculating the date of the last learner support review, we take the most recent date of these four:
- the last finished (i.e. awaiting signatures or completed) learner support review
- the learning plan start date
- the last return from break date
- the current ALS start date
The cards at the top show the following counts:
Learners with overdue learning support reviews. This is a count of learning plans where a learner support review was scheduled (in the past) but hasn't been started; plus, the count of learning plans where the next learner support review is more than 3 calendar months since the last one.
Learners who do not have their next review scheduled. This is a count of learning plans which do not have a learner support review scheduled for a future date. (Regardless of whether this is within the 3 month window).
The column and donut charts work on exactly the same basis as for tripartite progress reviews.
Data Table
This has the following fields:
- Learner
- Trainer
- Employer
- Programme
- Start Date
- Date Returned from Break
- ALS Plan Start Date
- Last LS Review Date
- Last LS Review Status
- Next LS Review Date
Reviews Missing Signatures
This shows all reviews with a status of Awaiting Signatures and who is yet to sign them. Once all attendees have signed and the status has changed to Complete, the review will no longer appear.
These show a count of reviews awaiting signatures, grouped by how long they have been waiting.
Data Table
This has the following fields:
- Days Waiting
- Learner
- Trainer
- Employer
- Employer Contact
- Programme Type
- Status
- Review Type
- Review Date
- Signed by Learner
- Signed by Trainer
- Signed by Employer - If there wasn't an employer contact at the meeting, this will show as a dash.
All Reviews for Learner
This report is accessed by drilling through from the Progress Review or Learning Support reports.
Top Table
This has details of the learning plans for the learner and has the following fields:
- Learner
- Trainer
- Employer
- Employer Contact
- Programme
- Status
- Start Date
- Planned End of Practical Period
Bottom Table
This has details of every review for the learning plan. The Trainer and Employer Participants listed were the ones at the time of the review, not necessarily the current people named in the top table.
This has the following fields:
- Learner
- Trainer
- Employer Contact
- Review Type
- Status
- Scheduled Review Date
- Actual Review Date
- Overdue
- Tripartite Review (Yes|No)
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