Dismissing Notifications from Dashboards


Bud allows users with access to Trainer, Operations Manager, and IQA dashboards to dismiss certain notifications that are no longer relevant. This guide explains how to manually dismiss notifications using the new dismiss button, ensuring a clutter-free dashboard. Some notifications will automatically disappear once the required action is completed. 

User Roles

  • Trainer
  • Operations Manager
  • IQA

How to: Dismiss notifications from the dashboards

When viewing the dashboard, alongside being able to view further details, you will notice the dismiss button:



The table below describes the behaviour of each notification type and where the dismiss button will be available.


Bud recommends:

  • Please exercise caution when dismissing notifications to prevent accidental dismissal of notifications. Once a notification has been dismissed from a dashboard it is not possible for this to be re-instated.
  • The underlying data/action is not removed when a notification is dismissed. 
  • Please note that dismissing submission alerts for activities assigned to a secondary trainer will remove the alert for both the primary and secondary trainer.