Dashboards - Operations Manager Dashboard


This article guides you through using the Operations Manager Dashboard in Bud Systems. You’ll learn how to monitor learner management and prospects, track key performance metrics, and manage trainer assignments. The dashboard provides real-time insights into new prospects, scheduled starts, and overdue activities, helping you oversee your team’s performance effectively.

Prefer to watch a video? Click here to watch a webinar on understanding dashboards as part of our Client Education series. 

User Roles

  • Operations Manager

How to: Understand the Operations Manager Dashboard

When an operations manager logs into Bud. They will be presented with the below dashboard.  The dashboards will provide information on ‘Learner Management’ and ‘Learner Prospects’. More detail on what each of these metrics provides is outlined beneath the video. 


Learner Management

This section will show you all trainers who have been made subordinates of the operations manager.  If you are unable to see all of the trainers you would expect to see on this dashboard, this can be managed in the subordinate mapping section of the User Management area in Bud.  The dashboard shows the following items:

  • New Prospects – these are applications assigned to the trainer, with no planned sign-up date in the system.
  • Scheduled Starts – these are applications in the system with a planned sign up date.
  • Numbers in Learning – this is a count of all of the learners the trainer has in learning at this time.
  • Additional Learners – these are learners who are not funded / out of funding.
  • Activities Overdue <6 weeks – this shows the number of activities that have been set for a learner but have not been completed (Overdue). These activities are overdue by less than 6 weeks.
  • Activities Overdue >6 weeks – this shows the number of activities that have been set for a learner but have not been completed (Overdue). These activities are overdue by more than 6 weeks. 
  • Reviews Overdue – this section shows where a learner has: 
    • Gone a set number of weeks without a review (the default number of weeks is 12 but this can be changed upon request)
    • Not had a progress review scheduled since their start date
    • Gone 4 weeks without a progress review being scheduled
    • A planned progress review with a date in the past
  • PPED – this section shows all learners that have gone past their Planned End Date and have not completed yet. 
  • Within 3 months of End Date – this section shows learners who are 3 months away from their planned completion date. 
  • At Risk – these learners are at risk, as they have not submitted work or communicated with their trainer via the learning portal for over 28 days.

By clicking on the blue number, you will be taken to a list of the learners who are affecting these numbers, allowing you to drill into each learner and analyse.

Learner Prospects

This section will show you all the learner prospects associated with the trainers mapped to the operations manager.  The table shows the team's applicant pipeline, so an operations manager can track new enrolments with ease. This section tracks the status of an application, through the enrolment phase: 

  • New – basic applicant details added to the system
  • Invited – the learner has been invited to enrol remotely
  • To Schedule – application requires a sign up appointment
  • Non Overdue Scheduled appointment – sign up appointment is current
  • Overdue Scheduled appointment – sign-up appointment is out of date
  • Committed
  • Signed Up
  • Signed Up Edited – where an application has been edited after sign up
  • Completed
  • Completed Edited – where an application has been edited after completion

All metrics are dynamic. Clicking on any data will display the information that drives the metric. Additionally, as an operations manager, you can click on your trainers' names and you will be taken directly to their trainer dashboard to see exactly what they can see.

This will give you the tools you need to support your trainers, using real time caseload management data to inform your discussions.