Learning Plan - Learner View


This article provides an overview of the Learning Plan from the learner’s perspective. You’ll learn how the learner can navigate the learner dashboard, track progress metrics, and manage learning activities. This process helps you understand the learners experience within their Bud Portal.


User Role

  • Trainer
  • Ops Manager

How to: Understand the Learner View 

The short video below navigates around a learning plan from the perspective of the learner. More information regarding the functionality on this page is outlined underneath. 


Learner dashboard

The dashboard gives an overview of the learner’s programme, employer, and any outstanding documents they need to sign. Clicking on the programme in the blue text will take the learner to their learning plan. 

Learning plan progress metrics

The learning plan gives an overview of the qualification and the start and end date. On the right-hand side is a snapshot of:

  • Programme duration
  • Programme activities - completed and submitted to date
  • Planned off the job hours - completed and submitted to date towards planned OTJH.
    • Please note this bar is based on the planned hours and not actual hours. When an activity is marked as complete this bar will take into account the number of hours that were 'planned' to complete this activity and not actual hours, which may have been more or less than planned. 

Green% shows activities that have been submitted, marked by the trainer and confirmed by the learner.

Blue % is work that has been submitted but not yet marked by the trainer and/or confirmed by the learner

Learning plan activities 

The first button is a link through to the last submission, this may have been by the learner or the trainer.  By selecting "view activity" you will be taken into the last activity, where you can view the activity details and submission. Please note if the last submission was a SCORM activity this will not be applicable, the most recent 'non SCORM' submission will be listed here. 

A learner is then able to filter the activities within their learning plan to show those that have been

  • set
  • in progress
  • submitted
  • confirmation pending
  • overdue
  • unset
  • complete
  • exempt
  • all their programme activities

A learner can see the status of each activity within their learning plan.

  • Submitted status = learner has submitted work to their trainer and is waiting for it to be marked.
  • Activity Overdue = the activity is past the date it should have been completed.
  • Confirmation Pending = their trainer has marked some submitted work and the learner needs to confirm the work was their own.

A learner will see a number notification on the view/confirm button if a trainer has sent them a message regarding that activity.