The following feature switch must be enabled for this feature:
- Multiple Trainers
To enable this feature, please speak with your Account Manager.
Our Multiple Trainers functionality gives the ability for many trainers to deliver learning to an individual. You can assign specific activities to different trainers, which provides the ability for a specialist to deliver the training.
User Roles:
- Trainer
- Ops Manager
How to: Use the Multiple Trainers Feature
When a learner is first signed up they will continue to be assigned their primary' trainer, however at any point during their programme of activities they can be assigned to an 'additional' trainer, who'll have responsibility for delivering that activity.
The video below shows how to access the relevant area within Bud to reassign activities to another trainer. Written steps are also provided beneath the video.
- To reassign activities to another trainer, first access the learning plan of the relevant learner.
- Select the assign activities tab, this will take you into the 'assign' mode where you'll be able to select any activities that can be reassigned and choose the trainer you wish to assign them to.
When you assign an activity this will cascade throughout Bud. The new trainer will be displayed against the activity and will be visible to the learner, the new trainer will also see the learner in their list of learners and in their dashboard.
When they access the learner they will only see the activities assigned to them. The progress metrics for their learner will also only reflect values from the activities assigned to them. Any relevant alerts will be shown to the new trainer, but will also continue to be displayed to the primary trainer.
Who can reassign activities? Any trainer or operations manager with the relevant permissions.
Can any activity be reassigned? No, if an activity has been exempted or completed, it can't be reassigned.
Can an additional trainer reassign activities? No, additional trainers can't reassign activities.
Can an additional trainer be removed? An additional trainer can be removed by reassigning their activities back to the primary trainer. If they have marked an activity it will no longer be possible to remove them.
What happens if the primary trainer is changed? When a primary trainer is changed then any activities assigned to that trainer will be reassigned to the new trainer. Activities assigned to an additional trainer will not be reassigned and will remain with that trainer
Is there a limit on the number of additional trainers? No, you can have any number of additional trainers, and each one can be assigned any number of activities.
Can an additional trainer add new activities? No, activities can only be added by the primary trainer or operations manager.
Can an additional trainer conduct progress reviews? It should be the primary trainer that conducts progress reviews. Secondary trainers can contribute, but primary trainers are the only ones able to sign off the review at the end.
What happens if the secondary trainer is changed? The ops manager or primary trainer can reassign those activities to another trainer.