How to Subordinate Map Trainers to Operations Managers


It is important for operations managers to have insight into their trainer's metrics i.e. scheduled starts, number in learning, PPED learners. This article will guide you on how to subordinate map trainers to their relevant operations managers. To do this you must be a system administrator within your tenancy, please speak with your account manager to grant you these permissions. 

User Roles  

  • System Administrators   

How to: Subordinate Map Trainers to Operations Managers

  • Navigate to the admin section of Bud and select user management.
  • Search for the operations manager you wish to subordinate map trainers to and click edit. 
  • Scroll down to user roles permissions for this individual to find the operations manager role and click manage trainers.  
  • Select the trainers who you wish to be able to view and manage in their dashboard.
  • Click save and confirm that you wish to assign these trainers, a confirmation message will flash up to confirm they have been assigned.

Remember to do this the operations manager role must be switched on for that individual.