Manage Multiple Accounts


Managing multiple accounts in Bud Systems is essential for administrators overseeing various tenancies or user roles. This guide provides best practice and key considerations when creating users in Bud to ensure seamless access for users.


User Role

  • System Administrator

How to: Manage Multiple Accounts 

Example – Internal Users

Internal users must use unique email addresses for different tenancies. For example, use your company email for the live tenancy and an alternative email for the test tenancy.

This is the same if you are using more than one tenancy for more than one provider.  For example, when working on a subcontracted basis, you may have multiple login details for each tenancy but each e-mail must be unique.

Example – External Users

External users, such as learners, can use the same email address for different qualifications. The system will list all registered programs upon login, allowing users to select the desired program.

Example – Dual Users

Users with dual roles (e.g., a learner and an internal user) can use the same email address. Upon login, the system will prompt them to choose the appropriate user profile to log in as:

