This article explains how to add activities from the Activity Library directly into a learner’s plan. You’ll learn how to locate the learner, access their Learning Plan, and add activities using the search and filtering functions. This process ensures that learners receive tailored activities that enhance their training experience.
This functionality requires a feature switch to be turned on. Contact your Customer Success Manager if you would like to take advantage of this.
Please note:
- This feature switch is only available on the Enterprise tier. Contact your Customer Success Manager if you would like to take advantage of this.
- Once an activity is added, it will no longer receive updates from the Library.
User Roles
The following users will be able to add activities to the Learner's plan from the Activity Library:
- Trainer.
- Operations Manager.
How to: Add an activity from the Library
The below steps describe how to add an activity that has come from the Activity Library onto a Learners Plan. If you prefer video format, click here.
1. Locate the Learner you wish to add an Activity to.
2. Open their Learning Plan page.
3. Go down to the 'Programme Activities' table.
4. Click 'Add Activity'.
5. Click 'Via Activity Library'.
6. Locate the Activity, using the search by name, tag filtering and paging functions.
7. Once located, click the 'Select Activity' button
8. On the next page you can check the activities details. If you realise this is not the correct activity, you can press 'Back' on the form, to go back to the Activity Library page.
9. Add a Target start and end month.
10. Click 'Create Activity'
You will then be taken back to the Learning Plan page, with the new activity created.
Video Guidance
You can watch a video of the steps here