Learning Plan - Automatic Setting of Activities



This article explains how to use the automatic setting of activities feature. You’ll learn how to enable this feature, which allows trainers to automatically set activities based on the learner’s start date and programme configuration. This process helps streamline activity management and ensures timely notifications for learners.

The following feature switch must be enabled for this feature, please speak to your customer success manager if you would like to turn it on.

  • Auto set activities 

Once enabled:

  • It will apply across all apprenticeship programmes within your tenancy
  • it will not apply to any non-apprenticeship/OST programmes
  • Activities will be automatically set for all learners with the exception of those who are receiving Additional Learning Support. Bud will not automatically set activities for ALS learners as trainers need to review and document any additional support that may be required.

User Roles  

This feature can be used by the following user roles: 

  • Trainer
  • Ops Manager

How to: Auto Set Activities


Where the automatic setting of activities feature is enabled trainers will see a toggle button within a learner’s plan which they can turn on or off per learner.

If the automatic setting of activities feature is not enabled, then trainers will not have this toggle button and will need to set each activity on an individual learner basis.

Prefer to watch a webinar? Click here to watch a webinar that includes how to use the auto-set functionality as part of our Client Education series. 

How does this feature work?

This feature will:

  • Calculate the start and end date for each activity, based on the apprenticeship start date and the target start and end dates for an activity (these are configured at programme level). 
  • When the target start date is reached, auto set will set the activity for the learner, provided it has not already been set e.g. if a learner's start date is 7th December, all subsequent activities will be set on the 7th of the month according to the activities month configuration 
  • Calculate the 'due date' in line with the configured target due date (at Programme Build)
  • Notify the learner that the activity has been set

Please be aware that when a trainer toggles on the automatic setting of activities button Bud will not retrospectively go back and set past activities. Only activities from the date this button is toggled on will be automatically set for the learner.

Please note:

  • The only time auto-set will not work is when the training plan (previously commitment statement) is signed AFTER the learning start date. This stops month 1 from being set, but subsequent months will work on the anniversary as described above
  • When a learner returns from a Break in Learning, the activities will not re-set to match the new dates. Activities will need to be manually reset by the trainer in line with the new programme dates.