Learning Plan - Activities - How to Create a Bespoke Activity


This article explains how to create bespoke activities to a learning plan, in addition to those populated during enrolment. You’ll learn how to add custom activities to a learner’s plan, including target dates, instructions, and Off-the-Job Hours. This process allows you to tailor the learning experience to meet specific needs and goals. 

User Roles:

  • Trainer
  • Ops Manager

How to: Create a Bespoke Activity

Watch the video below to find out more. Written steps on how to exempt activities are also provided beneath the video. 

  • Go to the learner plan tab (found in the learning drop-down menu in the relevant learner's dashboard) 
  • Click 'Add Activity'
  • Select the type of activity you want to add from the list available
  • Input all the activity details including name, target start month, target finish month, summary, detailed instructions, learner materials and planned OTJ hours
  • Click 'Create Activity'

The activity will now appear in the 'Unset' tab of the learning plan and can be set by the Trainer or Ops Manager and started by the Learner.

Prefer to watch a webinar? Click here to watch a webinar including how to add activities as part of our Client Education series. 

Please note: 

  • The activity will still need to be set.
  • The activity will not be mapped to any criteria, as it was not part of the original programme build. However, the activity can be mapped to any desired criteria when marking the submission.  
  • You can generate an updated Training Plan document with the latest activity information from the learner's portfolio. This is called the Living Training Plan which you can read about here.