Reg & Cert - Individual Learner View


It is possible to access and manage registration and certification information at a learner level, from within the learner record. This guide explains how to navigate to the relevant learner plan, view qualifications, and record registration details. It also covers how to log claims for completed qualifications and upload certificates. 

User Roles

  • General Administrator 

How To: Reg & Cert Individual Learner View

The video below shows how to access the relevant area within Bud for an individual learner. More information on this area is provided beneath the video. 

To access Reg & Cert in thi sway:

  1. navigate to the relevant learner record
  2. Under the administration drop-down menu, select 'Reg & Cert'

When on the Reg & Cert page you will be presented with any qualifications or functional skills that the learner is working towards. At a high level, you will be able to see if the qualification has been completed.

By clicking on the individual qualification title, you'll get the details view, where you can manually enter information. To look at each of these in more detail: 

Awarding Organisation:  

When the learner has started their apprenticeship, you will want to register them with the relevant awarding organisations. For each qualification, we will tell you which awarding organisation is responsible for the qualification. Once registered, you can record their details by selecting the qualification title which displays the above popup. You can then enter the registration date and registration number. 


Once the qualification has been marked as complete by the IQA you can then populate the claim information by adding the date you claimed it. When you add the date claimed we will automatically mark the qualification as achieved and update the ILR to close the Aim. We'll use the date the qualification was signed off by the IQA as the end date. This removes the need for you to manually update the ILR. 

At this point, you can also update the grade, if you know it, which will also update the ILR. It is possible to enter any value into the “Grade” box however there are only a set number of values that are acceptable in the ILR. A full list of acceptable values can be found here.

Recording the Certificate

Once you have received the certificate, you can record this by populating the date the certificate has been received. You are also able to upload a copy of the certificate, together with any additional information. If you post the certificate to the learner, you can record any relevant postal tracking IDs here. 

In addition to completing this information on an individual learner basis, you can access and complete some of this information on a bulk basis.