How to Change an Employer


Changing an employer for a learner in Bud is a straightforward process that ensures accurate records and compliance. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to navigate to the learner’s profile, update employment details, and manage the transition to a new employer. By following these steps, trainers and administrators can efficiently handle employer changes, ensuring all necessary documentation and approvals are completed.

User Roles

  • General Administrator
  • Operations Manager

How to: Change an Employer

The video below shows how to access the relevant area within Bud to change an employer within an individual learner area. Written steps and further information are also provided beneath the video. 

  1. Navigate to the learner you would like to change the employer for
  2. Underneath ‘Administration’ in the secondary navigation bar, click ‘Employment Details’
  3. This is where you can view the learner’s employer contact and current and previous (if applicable) employment information
  4. To change the employer for this learner, simply click the ‘Change Employer’ button next to their current employer. You will be asked: 
  5. Select Continue Changing Employer. You must have calculated residual funds by this stage.
  6. Select a new employer from the list. You must have the Employer Record in your list of Employers by this stage. Note – if the employer has not been entered in the ‘Employer’ area of the system, they will not show in this list.
  7. Select Reason for leaving the previous employer
  8. Select Continue
  9. Edit, Employment Overview & Employer Details
  10. Select Applicant Summary. Continue to sign Applicant Summary (Containing New Employer), Apprenticeship Agreement, Training Plan (formerly Commitment Statement) & Applicant Funding.

Using the in-built workflow, Bud will:

  • Create the enrolment documents for the new employer.
    • Note – you will be required to re-enter the learner’s employment details in the application process. This includes their job role, employment start date, along with the employment information required for the ILR (i.e. will the applicant be levy funded)
    • Note – You will need to recollect signatures from all parties, for all application documents due to the fact there has been a material change
  • You will also be able to input the new agreed residual training cost and end point assessment costs.
    • Note – You will need to manually create these values as TNP3 & TNP4 in the ILR to reflect this. Do not update the original TNP1 and TNP 2 values. Visit our client webinar series for more information on how to do this. 
  • Once the learner is in a state of ‘Committed’ in the enrolment process, Bud will update the learner’s

    record to show they are at the new employer

  • Bud will create a new employer record in the ILR and assume the previous employment finished 1 day prior.
    • Note - If this is not the case, the ILR should be manually updated to reflect the correct dates. A user will need ILR administrator user role to do this.

Bud Recommends 

  • When an employer or apprenticeship agreement has ended and new employment has commenced within 30 days, there is no need to withdraw, but you will need to update the learner record with their new employer details.
  • If employment hasn't commenced within 30 days, then it is the provider’s responsibility to record this as a withdrawal and, if new employment is later found, a restart. This is not currently an automated process in Bud and we recommend a provider reconciles the relevant areas of the ILR.
  • The ILR should be updated directly and new aims created for the restart, following the change of employer workflow. Bud does not recommend using the withdrawal workflow as this is not reversible and will lock a learner out of their learning plan permanently.