OST Scottish Apprenticeships - Apprenticeship Application


This article provides a detailed guide on creating and managing OST applications for Scottish Apprenticeships. It covers the steps to enter applicant information, and select the appropriate funding model. By following these instructions, providers can ensure compliance with Scottish qualifications and streamline the application process. 

To use Scottish Apprenticeship applications you will need to create an OST Scottish Apprenticeship programme. For more information on how to do this click here. 

How to: Scottish Apprenticeship Applications 

To create a new OST application for Scottish Apprenticeships navigate to the ‘other training applicants’ page under the ‘Applicants’ tab:

Select the ‘Scottish Apprenticeship’ funding model option when creating a new application:

You will then be presented with the Scottish Apprenticeship application page:

The application is similar to other OST applications, but changes have been made to meet the requirements for Scottish Apprenticeships. For example:

Personal information page:

  • there is no section regarding the ULN
  • ‘prefer not to say’ is an option for both the ‘Sex’ and ‘Ethnicity’ questions

Qualifications page:

  • The question ‘What is the highest level of qualification the applicant has already achieved either through education or work based training?’ has a dropdown list of Scottish qualification levels:

  • Core skills have been added with Scottish qualification levels and are included in the dropdown list for ‘Qualification type’:

  • Programme selection – on this page you can select one of the OST Scottish Apprenticeship programmes already created. All OST Scottish Apprenticeship programmes you have created will be shown and you can search for the one you want for this application.

Once you have signed up the OST Scottish Apprenticeship application, the learning plan will be generated. No information is sent to the ILR for Scottish Apprenticeship learners and the ILR page will not be shown under the ‘Administration’ tab on the learning plan page.

Progress reviews will include the review questions as defined by SDS and the SDS and Scottish Government logos: