Programme-level Custom Questions in the OST Application


This article will explain how programme-level custom questions will work in the OST application for the Enterprise-level feature Flexible Enrolment Questions.

For information on how to add custom questions to your programmes, please see this article.


User Roles

The following users will be able to view and edit programme-level custom questions during the OST application:

  • Trainers
  • Operations Managers
  • Compliance Admins
  • General Admins


Where your custom questions will be displayed

Before being able to view your custom questions in the OST application, you will need to:

  • Enable the "Flexible Enrolment Questions" feature switch
  • Add custom questions to your programme
  • Publish the programme

If the above steps have been followed, once a programme with custom questions has been selected in the "Programme selection" page, then a new page will be displayed at the bottom of the "Programme info" section called "Training Provider Programme Questions".

FEQ - OST page.PNG


Answering the custom questions

Each question type has its own unique displays:

Text questions

Text questions can be configured in programme build to be either short or long answers. This will be shown in the application by having a deeper text box for the long answer questions. There will also be a character limit and countdown under the question title.

FEQ - text questions.PNG

Multiple choice questions

Multiple choice questions can be configured in programme build to allow either one or multiple answer selections. Where just one answer selection is allowed, the answer options will be shown as radio buttons:

FEQ - multiple choice radio buttons.PNG

Where multiple answers are allowed, the answer options will be shown as checkboxes:

FEQ - multiple choice checkboxes.PNG

Yes/No questions

Yes/No questions are displayed as two radio buttons. If question branching has been added during programme build, then the child questions will be shown directly underneath the parent question once the parent question has been answered.

FEQ - yes no.PNG

If the answer to the parent question is changed, then the child questions and answers will be hidden from the page and either a new set of child questions will be displayed for the new branch, or no additional questions will be displayed if there are no child questions for that answer.

Please note that if answers are provided for one branch, then the answer to the parent question is changed, those answers will still be available if the answer to the parent question is then changed back to the original answer. However, once the page is saved, then any hidden questions and answers will not be saved.


Completing the page and progressing the application

All questions displayed on the page will be mandatory to answer, unless stated as "optional" after the question title. This configuration is set by you in the programme build.

If you have one or more mandatory questions included in that programme, you must answer the mandatory question(s) in order to achieve the green tick progress indicator for that page and progress to the next step of the application. If you have unanswered mandatory questions, the progress indicator will remain as a grey question mark.

If you do not have any mandatory questions included in that programme, you will be able to progress to the next step of the application without answering any of the questions on that page. However, the grey question mark progress indicator will continue to be shown until all optional questions have been answered.

FEQ - OST page green tick.PNG


Displaying custom questions on the Application Summary document

Your programme-level custom questions will be displayed on the Application Summary document in a new section called "Training Provider Programme Questions" just above the signature section.

FEQ - OST document.PNG

Please note that if an optional question is not answered, then the question will not be shown on this document.