Reviews Enhancement Webinar

In this session, we guided you through the many improvements introduced to the Reviews section of Bud, and talked about the upcoming changes to the signature mechanisms.


If you missed our webinar, you can watch it below: 


Useful Links


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Once a Review has been scheduled, can I change the type of it? 

In this scenario, you will need to cancel the Review with the incorrect type and then schedule a new Review for the desired type.


Q: Can I deliver a Review when a Learner is on a break? 

Yes, we do not prevent Reviews being scheduled or completed when a Learner is on a break. This allows for things like a check-in Review being delivered to evidence contact or another type being scheduled to support the return of that Learner.


Q: Can secondary trainers deliver Reviews? 

Yes, a secondary trainer is able to schedule, contribute, finish and sign Reviews, the same as the primary trainer can.


Q: Are there any reports for Review data?

Yes, Reviews are reported on in the Standard Reports and Operational Dashboards. These have been updated as part of this workstream. Filters and columns have been added to the Review tables to show the types and the status of the Review (i.e. cancelled or completed).


Q: Which Review types count towards the requirement to review progress every 12 weeks?

Only the formal 'Progress Review' type will count towards the 12 week requirement. We have updated the action alerts and the reporting metrics to reflect this.


Q: When completing a Skill Scan in a Review, what previous scores will be represented?

The previous Skill Scan scores will be that of the latest scores provided in the most recent Review, regardless of its type. This means the Skill Scan should follow a linear time based journey.


Q: Can the Training Provider customise Reviews?

Providers are able to customise the questions in the 'Progress Review' type, per funding model. The remaining types are predetermined, created in partnership with our Customer Advisory Board.


Q: Can I deliver a Review without an Employer?

Yes you can. When scheduling the Review you can remove the Employer, and then once scheduled but before it is in-progress, the Employer can be changed or removed.


Q: What questions are asked in each Review type?

You can see this within our Knowledgebase articles, along with lots of other helpful guidance:

Types of Review


Q: Are these enhancements available on OST programmes?

Yes, all of the new Review features apply to OST programmes in addition to Standards.


Q: Who needs to answer the Learner and Employer questions?

Questions directed at the Learner can be answered by the Learner or Trainer. Similarly, questions directed at the Employer can be answered by the Employer or Trainer. Questions directed at the Trainer can only be answered by the Trainer.
Each individual question has to be answered by at least one of those users. It doesn't matter which one, so long as every question has been answered.


Q: For the new signature mechanism, will we be able to see the old mouse drawn signatures?

Yes you will, signatures provided before the release will still display after the release. The difference will be that all new signatures within Reviews will use the new keyboard input mechanism.