Compliance Checks - Completing an Application


Once all evidence is present and compliance checks have been actioned for each of the documents, you’ll be able to fully complete the application, locking the evidence to prevent further changes. This article will walk you through the steps to finalise the application and push it's status to complete.

Prefer to watch a video? Click here to watch a webinar on completing compliance checks as part of our Client Education series. 

User Role 

  • Compliance Administrator 

How To: Complete Compliance Checks

  • Once all compliance checks are completed the 'Complete Application' button will be enabled.
  • Selecting this will update the status of the application to 'Complete' indicating that everything is done on the application. Once selected all evidence will be 'locked', so the ability to upload further evidence or remove existing evidence, will be disabled.
  • Whilst it will still be possible to edit the application, this will result in a new set of documents being created, which would need to be signed and checked again. 
