Compliance Checks - Activating learners in the ILR


The article explains how to activate learners in the ILR (Individualised Learner Record). It details the steps to search for the learner and toggle the ILR inclusion switch on. This ensures the learner is included in the ILR submission. This process should form part of your compliance checks at enrolment.

Prefer to watch a video? Click here to watch a webinar on completing compliance checks as part of our Client Education series. 

User Role

  • Compliance Administrator 

How to: Activate learners in the ILR

To activate a learner in ILR, navigate search for the individual via the learner's tab on the primary navigation bar. Once found navigate to the learner admin tab as shown below:

*Please be aware that the video may not reflect the platform's current features due to Bud's ongoing progression.


The ILR toggle will allow you to include or exclude a learner from any ILR submission. If the learner has just been signed up, it will be grey meaning they are not currently included, the toggle will change to green to show they are now included. 

All leaners will default to 'off', until switched on by the provider during the enrolment compliance checks.