FAQs & Useful Information
Provider FAQs - How do I reactivate a disabled internal user account?
Initial assessment results are missing
Provider FAQs - Why can’t I access the ID section? It’s greyed out
Provider FAQs - Can I change the employer if I have enrolled the learner at the wrong location?
Provider FAQs - How do I update learner details or edit an application once the learner is signed up?
How to edit actual hours on a marked activity if they are incorrect
Provider FAQs - How do I remove/delete a file uploaded to submission in error that has now been marked?
Provider FAQs - Can I open an activity I marked as complete in error?
Provider FAQs - Can I delete or edit a progress review?
Provider FAQs - How do I reinstate a learner that was completed, withdrawn or placed on break in error?
Provider FAQs - How often do reports refresh?
Apprenticeship Propagation Rules
Submitting Feature Ideas
Training Provider FAQs
Image Alt tag
Resend Email to Unregistered Learners
How to Create a Blank Training Plan
Bud Access for EQA Visit
EQA User Guide
ESFA Audit with Bud
Calculating Off The Job hours
Archiving an Application