Provider Operations
Information and guidance for Training Providers
Applicant Management - Apprenticeships
Programme-level Custom Questions in the Apprenticeship Application
Overview - Application Workflow
Overview - Applicant Statuses Explained
Overview - Remote Signatures
Enrolment - High Level Eligibility - Create a Stub Record and Check Eligibility
Enrolment - High Level Eligibility - Invite Applicants to Self-Register
Applicant Managment - Funding and Compliance
Enrolment - Funding - Funding Overview
Enrolment - Funding - Determining Programme Cost
Enrolment - Funding - Funding Agreement
Enrolment - Funding - Payment Options for Employer Contributions
Enrolment - Funding - Payment Schedule for Employer Contributions
Enrolment - Funding - Sign & Complete Funding Agreement
Learning Plans Overview
Learning Plan Activities
Gathering Learner Insights for Activity Content
Add Activity Library activities directly into the Learning Plan
Learning Plan - Activities - Learner Mapping Assessment Criteria
Learning Plan - Activities - Signing off an Activity - Confirming Marked Work
Learning Plan - Activities - How to Exempt an Activity
Learning Plan - Activities - How to Create a Bespoke Activity
Breaks and Withdrawals
Managing Breaks in Learning
Requesting, approving and processing breaks in learning (BIL)
Break returns - Requesting and processing return from BIL
The calculation used for the learning planned end date when returning from a break in learning (BIL)
Requesting and processing a withdrawal for a learner who is on a break in learning (BIL)
Withdrawing a Learner from Programme
FAQs & Useful Information
Provider FAQs - How do I reactivate a disabled internal user account?
Initial assessment results are missing
Provider FAQs - Why can’t I access the ID section? It’s greyed out
Provider FAQs - Can I change the employer if I have enrolled the learner at the wrong location?
Provider FAQs - How do I update learner details or edit an application once the learner is signed up?
How to edit actual hours on a marked activity if they are incorrect